- Head Office
- Point of Sale
- Ecommerce
Integrates with most popular Ecommerce Sites
Omnichannel – Customer’s, Orders, Quantities, pricing all managed from once central platform
- Contact
- 888-365-0026
Omnichannel – Customer’s, Orders, Quantities, pricing all managed from once central platform
Following best practices and our methodology will help us deliver a proven solution that will meet both near term and long term goals of your retail organization.
Whatever your current data is formatted as we can easily convert and make it ready to import into our solution.
Aggressively use shopping comparison sites to showcase your products & sell more.
Offered as – Remote online over the internet, on-site and offsite. We train the trainers.
Convert your existing Gift , Loyalty and Vip cards.
Free up more time to manage your retail organization – Use our managed services & 24 X 7 Monitoring to keep your systems running smoothly.
We offer a wide variety of additional maintenance programs over and above the manufacturers warranties.
From initial consulting to go live, we are there every setp of the way closely working with your team for a rool-out.
Fitment Analysis to determine system compatibility to your business
Meeting & Discovery
Demonstration ensuring your business requirements
Web Demonstration
Statement of work, time lines, acceptance
Documentation created and signed off
Data Migration, testing & acceptance
We will demonstrate your migrated data and procedures
Pre-rollout Data Import & Roll out to all locations
Ongoing support & staff training
Support & Training
Deploy to new locations in 10 minutes, quickly reinstall where you left off after hardware failure. All data is pulled from cloud server.
Start planning your MIGRATION using our preferred services for a successful implementation.